Top 5 scooter safety tips. Learn them. Follow them. Get back home safe

If you didn’t notice, your scooter has no windows or doors or body or even a seatbelt - it’s only you and the road. Which is fine, but you don’t want to get to know the road face to face. Here are your 5 basic scooter safety tips

  1. Always use a helmet! Even if your DMV says you don’t have to – believe us, you have to. Oh, and that little brother’s bicycle helmet does not count. You need a DOT approved helmet. There’s no ending to being cautious and you can get yourself jackets, knee pads, elbow pads, and go crazy for safety.
  2. Cut traffic but not a red light. You should always obey road signs and speed limits, especially if you are riding a moped. Speeding can lead to many accidents and actually make the worse.
  3. Don’t be extreme. Try not to do any crazy maneuvering around cars. Watch out for vehicles and pedestrians and stay noticeable. Cars have blind spots and drivers might not see you at all times. Oh, and you are not Evel Knievel. Keep both your hands on handlebars and your feet on the floorboards.
  4. Look on the road. Debris is your greatest enemy. Driving into an oil puddle can get you in big troubles. Gravel and even leaves can make you lose control over the scooter.
  5. Signal. Because you ride on a small scooter, your actions can surprise other drivers. So if you’re going to make a turn, make sure you signal, even with your hands, and avoid dangerous situations.
Now it’s easier than ever to hop on a two wheeler, and with some smart shopping you can even get a super safety scooter deal. Check out Scoot NY Summer Sale event. Buy a moped and get a sleek new helmet ($150 value!) with a scooter purchase.